Oha Leaf (Ora): Nutrition, Health Benefits, and Recipes

Oha is a type of leaf from an evergreen tree that is used in preparing soups and other delicacies. It is also known as Ora. Botanically, it is known as Pterocarpus mildraedii. Its English name is African rosewood.

They are mainly eaten by the Igbos of Nigeria. Oha leaf contains oxalate and hydrogen cyanide but only has them in trace quantities that are not poisonous to humans.


Oha leaves contain lots of beneficial nutrients to the body. Oha leaves contain calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, iron, zinc, and manganese. It also contains vitamins A, B, and C, amino acids like cysteine, lysine, glutamic acid, and fiber.

100gms of edible raw Oha leaves contain:

Energy: 56 Kilocalories

Moisture content: 85 grams

Fat: 1 g

Protein: 4 g 

Carbohydrate: 8 g

Crude fiber: 1 g

Calcium: 72 milligram

Iron: 5 mg

Zinc: 3 mg

Magnesium: 28 mg

Health Benefits of Oha leaves

This article will discuss the health benefits of Oha leaf and its advantages to the body.

1. Constipation

Oha contains fibers that help to prevent constipation. It helps to speed up the movement of food along the gastrointestinal tract. It also provides bulk for stools, makes stool soft, and eases bowel movement. This is also a health benefit of Water yam.

2. Production of red blood cells

Oha contains iron that assists in the production of red blood cells. Iron makes hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood to all parts of the body. It also helps in the production of myoglobin, a protein that provided oxygen to the muscles.

3. Antioxidants

Oha contains essential antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause chronic diseases like cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders. Researchers discovered that oha leaves contain phenolic acids, lupeol, and benzenediol – important antioxidants that help fight diseases in the body and improve immunity.

4. Arthritis

Oha contains magnesium, manganese, and potassium that helps with the management of arthritis. Low magnesium contributes to chronic inflammation and joint degenerative disease. Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints, which causes pain and stiffness that can get worse with age.

Consumption of Oha leaves helps to reduce the pain that occurs with arthritis. It also prevents those who do not have arthritis from getting it.

5.  Blood pressure

Oha leaves contain potassium that helps regulate blood pressure. Consumption of potassium helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Potassium also relaxes the walls of the blood vessels and protects against muscle cramping.

People who already have high blood pressure can increase their level of potassium by consuming more Oha leaves.

6. Enhances brain function

Oha leaves contain glutamic acid that aids in the maintenance of normal brain function by working as a neurotransmitter. As a neurotransmitter, glutamic acid influences the brainstem, thalamus, and spinal cord. Glutamic acid makes one alert mentally, maintains long-term memories and other cognitive functions.

7. Assists in Malaria treatment

Oha leaves helps when an individual is down with Malaria. Their antimicrobial properties can help destroy the parasite causing malaria, hence, bringing health to the body.

When you have malaria and you eat Oha leaves soup, it helps to repair essential organs like the liver, heart, and stomach. This helps to conquer malaria when all these organs are working normally.

8.  Builds muscle mass

Oha leaves helps in building muscle mass through their cysteine content. Physical training can increase oxidative stress in the body.  Cysteine can help speed recovery and support health.  It also assists in thermogenesis and lean muscle tissue gain.

9. Prevents Diabetes

Oha leaves contain fiber which helps to prevent high blood sugar. This is another health benefit of Bitter leaf. The fiber helps with weight management and blood sugar control.

When you eat fiber, sugar is absorbed slowly in the intestines into the body system, hence, preventing sugar spikes. It also helps control cholesterol, which can help manage or prevent diabetes complications.

10. Inflammation

Another benefit of Oha leaves is that it prevents inflammation in the body. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent diseases such as tonsillitis, osteoarthritis, and ulcer.

11. Healthy Eyes

Oha leaves contain vitamin A which keeps the eyes healthy. Vitamin A maintains a clear cornea in the eye. It is also a component of Rhodopsin, a protein in the eyes that allows you to see well in low light conditions. A deficiency in vitamin A can lead to night blindness.

Recipe for Oha leaves

Oha leaves are used in making a delicious soup known as Oha soup. Oha soup is quite popular in the eastern part of Nigeria. It is highly nutritious and can be used to eat swallow foods like Fufu, Starch, and Eba. The following is how to prepare Oha soup.


• Beef/ Chicken/turkey or your preferred protein

• Stockfish

• Periwinkle

• Ground crayfish


• Ponmo



• Palm oil

•Ground pepper

• Oha leaves

• Uziza leaves (chopped)

• Seasonings

• Salt

• Water/Stock


1. Put meat, stockfish, and ponmo in a pot. Add seasonings and onions. Boil for five minutes. Then add little water to the mixture and cook until the meat is tender

2. Cook cocoyam separately. After it is done, pound in a mortar, or blend using a blender or food processor

3. When the meat has cooked very well, add two cups of water and palm oil, and allow to cool for ten minutes

4. Add ground crayfish, ground pepper, salt and allow to cook for some time

5. Add the blended cocoyam or achi. Let the soul cook for about three minutes. Before adding the achi, dissolve it in a little water, else the soup will cake up

6. Add the uziza leaves first, because they are stronger than the oha leaf, then add the oha leaves

7. Let it cook for one minute, then take it off the fire. Your delicious Oha soup is ready

8. Serve with pounded yam, fufu, eba, or wheat.


Oha or Ora is a special food that is beneficial to the body system. It is an ideal food to add to one’s diet. Ensure you take vegetables with your meals and indulge in all the classes of food in the right proportions.


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