10 Amazing Health Benefits of Roselle (Zobo)

Roselle drink (Zobo) is a popular African drink, particularly in West Africa. Its name Zobo comes from ‘zoborodo’, the Hausa name for the drink. Zobo is a red coloured drink, made by boiling the dried leaves of the hibiscus flower in hot water, and it can be flavoured in various ways. Though Zobo can be taken for pleasure, as a medicinal drink, or as a food colouring agent our focus today is on the Health Benefits of Roselle (Zobo).

The Roselle flower is known botanically as Hibiscus sabdariffa.  Another name for Zobo is Sorrel, especially in the  Carribbean. Zobo is also called Hibiscus tea, Isapa, and Ashuwe in Nigeria. Zobo has a sour taste, so it is so known as Sour tea.

One of the main components of Roselle is Oxalic acid, which gives zobo its well-known taste and acidity. Zobo is low in calories and high in water content, which makes it an ideal drink for people conscious of their health. Roselle leaves are used as vegetables, while its seeds are a source of oil.

The preparation procedures for Zobo vary from one locality to the next, hence, this makes components of its nutrients different from one preparation to another. However, without any additional ingredients, this delicious drink is highly nutritious and beneficial to the human body.

Roselle (Zobo): 10 Amazing Benefits And Facts You Should Know


  • It is an extremely rich source of vitamin A, B9, and C.
  • It is a good source of minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium,  and calcium.
  • Being rich in oxalic acid, sorrel may not be an ideal choice for those suffering from rheumatism, bladder, and kidney stones.
  • It is low in carbohydrates but provides adequate dietary fibres.
  • It contains powerful laxative properties and overconsumption of the drink may result in diarrhoea.

100 grams of raw Roselle calyces contains:

  • Calories: 49 kilocalories
  • Protein: 1.0 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 11 g
  • Fat: 0.6 g
  • Minerals
  • Calcium: 22% of Daily Value (DV)
  • phosphorus: 5% of DV
  • magnesium: 14% of DV
  • Iron: 11% of DV
  • Potassium: 4% of DV
  • Sodium: 0% of DV
  • Thiamine (Vit. B1): 1% of DV
  • Riboflavin (Vit B2): 2% of DV
  • Niacin (Vit B3): 2% of DV
  • Vitamin C: 14% of DV
  • Vitamin A: 2% of DV

Health Benefits of Roselle(Zobo)

Zobo has various health benefits and these shall be listed below:

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Roselle drink helps to lower blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. Hypertension is a condition that which the force of blood flow against artery walls is too high.

Hypertension often has no symptoms, but it can increase the risk of other cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Research shows that daily consumption of zobo results in a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

2. Lowers cholesterol

Zobo drink helps lower the bad cholesterol in the body. This helps to prevent heart diseases, diabetes and stroke. According to a study conducted on high cholesterol patients, two capsules of Roselle extract (1g), given three times a day, significantly lowered serum cholesterol. 

Just like Akamu, another superfood, Zobo drink helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.

Roselle drink contains lots of antioxidants that help destroy free radicals in the body. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. They can cause large chain chemical reactions in the body because they react easily with other molecules.

This reaction is known as oxidation. Oxidative stress is harmful to the body. It causes chronic diseases like cancer, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis. Antioxidants help to attack these free radicals and make them incapable of hurting the body.

3. Antioxidants

Roselle drink contains lots of antioxidants that help destroy free radicals in the body. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. They can cause large chain chemical reactions in the body because they react easily with other molecules. This reaction is known as oxidation.

Oxidative stress is harmful to the body. It causes chronic diseases like cancer, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis. Antioxidants help to attack these free radicals and make them incapable of hurting the body.

4. Liver disease

Zobo drink helps to prevent liver disease. The liver is a very important organ that detoxifies the body. It also makes blood clotting factors, cholesterol and triglycerides, synthesises glycogen, and produces bile. Zobo drink has components that help to protect the liver from breaking down.

5. Anaemia

Roselle drink prevents anaemia due to its iron-rich content. Anaemia is the condition whereby the body does not have enough red blood cells. Anaemia also occurs when the concentration of haemoglobin in the red blood cells is lower than it should be.

Iron helps in the production of red blood cells and also haemoglobin. This assists in the transportation of oxygen around the body.

6. Weight Loss

Studies have shown that extracts of roselle are potent inhibitors of pancreatic α-amylase. This enzyme is responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates and increasing blood glucose levels. Hence, drinking Roselle drink after eating may reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and help in weight loss.

7. Menstrual pain

Zobo drink relieves menstrual pain and cramps in women. It also helps in maintaining hormonal balance. This prevents symptoms of menstruation like bloating, sore breasts, mood swings, headache and food cravings from manifesting.

8. Anti-cancer

Roselle drink slows down the growth of cancerous cells. It contains protocatechuic acid, which has antitumor properties.

9. Antidepressant

Research has shown that zobo drink contains flavonoids, which have antidepressant qualities. Consumption of zobo drinks helps calm down the body and reduces anxiety and depression.

10. Antibacterial

Roselle drink contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and helps to fight bacteria that invade the body. Vitamin C is very effective against bacteria in the body and helps an individual recover quickly from bacterial infection.

Other Health Benefits of Roselle (Zobo) Drink Includes:

  • Treats loss of appetite
  • A laxative
  • Antiinflammatory agent
  • Treats cold
  • Treats circulatory disorders
  • A diuretic
  • Treats stomach irritation
  • As a flavouring in foods and beverages
  • Treats constipation
  • Treats nerve diseases.

Side effects of Roselle (Zobo)


Roselle drink is unsafe during pregnancy, especially in its early stages, because it can cause menstruation, leading to miscarriage.

Low Blood Pressure

Zobo drink may reduce the blood pressure of those with already low blood pressure, which could be dangerous.

Low Blood Sugar

Zobo drink without sugar or honey may reduce blood sugar levels, especially when used with drugs that reduce blood sugar levels. Caution must be taken by diabetics when consuming zobo drinks alongside their medications.


Consuming Roselle drink alongside chloroquine may reduce the effectiveness of chloroquine. It reduces the amount of chloroquine that the body can absorb and use. Check out Pearl Millet: 10 Surprising Health Benefits And Nutrition


Consuming zobo drink should be stopped at least two weeks before surgery, as zobo drink may make blood sugar levels fluctuate, making it hard to control during surgery.


Zobo is an interesting drink with lots of benefits. It can be added to one’s diet to reap its benefits. Please consult your physician before adding zobo to your regular diet if you have any underlying disease.


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