Dates Induce Labor? Exciting Benefits and Side Effects

Dates are sugary fruits that are popular in the middle east. They are also grown in Africa and America. There are different varieties of dates but the most common is the Medjool dates and the Deglet Noor dates. There are many benefits of dates, one often asked is Dates Induce Labor in pregnant women.

As a pregnant woman, you may have chosen to give birth in a hospital or even have a home birth with your personal midwife. You may have read books on natural birth, heard various remedies concerning having a natural birth, and you would have planned with your partner how to go about having your baby when the time comes.

However, Do Dates induce labor?

From the experience of some pregnant women, another means of having a quick and easy natural birth is eating Dates in the last trimester.

Dates are quite nutritious and have a good calorie content. It is a great snack for those with a sweet tooth, and it does not cause sugar spikes in the blood, yet it provides a huge amount of energy to the body.

Do Dates induce labor? Studies show that women who consumed Dates in their last trimester did not need oxytocin to help their labor progress.

When you snack on Dates, it is better and healthier than consuming sodas and pastries. Dates are sources of fructose. Fructose is a type of sugar that occurs naturally in many fruits. It also occurs in foods gotten from plants like beets, and some vegetables, and also in honey.

Dates also contain fiber that prevents constipation. Constipation is a common complaint of pregnant women, as the hormones make food in the gastrointestinal tract move slowly. Hence, if a pregnant woman snack on Dates, it helps prevents pregnancy-induced constipation.

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Dates contain various nutrients which include calcium, potassium, vitamin B, folate, vitamin K, carbohydrate, fiber, protein, iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese.

Health Benefits of Dates During Pregnancy


Pregnant women are more prone to anemia because their condition demands more iron. Anemia is the condition whereby the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

Iron increases the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Consumption of Dates improves the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

Birth Defects

Dates contain folate which prevents birth defects in the unborn baby. Such birth defects include spina bifida. Spina bifida is a condition whereby a developing baby’s spinal cord fails to develop normally.

Folate helps to prevent spina bifida in developing babies. Folate also prevents anemia in the mother. It helps in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Sweet substitution

Dates are healthy substitutes for sweet foods like doughnuts, other pastries, and soda. Dates can be eaten on its own or added to other foods to make dessert. However, it should be consumed in moderation.


Dates contain fiber that prevents constipation in pregnant women. Pregnancy usually causes constipation because the pregnancy hormones slow the gastrointestinal tract down. Dates help in bowel movement and add bulk to your stool.


Dates contain loads of carbohydrates and fructose. It provides the body with energy and does not cause a sugar spike.

Carbohydrate acts fast and turns into energy as soon as they are ingested. They are the main source of energy for the body’s cells, tissues, and organs. The brain and muscles also use this energy to function.

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Potassium is found in dates. Potassium helps maintain the normal level of fluids in body cells. They also help muscles to contract, send impulses between nerve cells, regulate body pH, and maintain normal blood pressure in the body.

During the first trimester, many pregnant women vomit a lot causing a reduction in the potassium levels of the body. Eating Dates can replenish potassium levels.

Low glycemic index

Dates are low glycemic index foods. Low glycemic index foods are digested slowly and do not cause sugar spikes.

Some pregnant women experience gestational diabetes which is an increase in blood sugar levels during pregnancy. Consumption of low glycemic index foods like Dates helps to reduce the likelihood of having diabetes in pregnancy.


Dates contain antioxidants that destroy free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful substances that attack the cells and tissues of the body. One of the antioxidants Dates contains is called polyphenols.

Polyphenols help to reduce chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, and cancer. Polyphenols help promote good circulation and maintain good blood sugar levels.

Do Dates induce labor?

Do Dates induce labor? Scientists believe that Dates may have an oxytocin-like characteristic that helps them to prepare the uterus for contractions. There is evidence that Dates help to shorten labor, but they won’t actually start labor.

One study showed that eating dates can help with cervical softening for labor.
Another study discovered that pregnant women who ate six Dates per day from four weeks before their due date of delivery had shorter labor and a softer cervix. Also, more women who ate Dates had spontaneous labor compared to those who did not consume dates.

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More so, the high sugar content of Dates may help increase the woman’s energy during labor and ease delivery. Dates could also improve uterine contractions by increasing the uterus’ sensitivity to oxytocin. When the uterus contracts adequately, it may reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage.

From these, it is deduced by experts that women who eat Dates prior to their due dates did not need to be induced into labor. However, more research is needed on the issue to further highlight the benefits of eating dates during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Side Effects of Eating Dates in Pregnancy

Dates are high in carbohydrates and fructose. Hence, it is important to control one’s intake, especially for a woman with gestational diabetes. The sugar in dates when consumed may be too high for her condition. Consult your obstetrician or midwife before adding Dates to your diet if you have gestational diabetes.

When you consume too many Dates, it could lead to cramping, diarrhea, and bloating due to the excessive consumption of fiber from the Dates. Always ensure that you consume Dates in moderation and that you drink lots of water when you eat Dates.

Read Also: 10 Special Benefits of Dates for Women


Dates are super fruits that are beneficial when consumed during pregnancy, just like garden eggs. They also help with labor, especially when consumed during the weeks before the due date.

Ensure you consume Dates in moderation, and consult your midwife if you are not sure about certain things in your pregnancy journey.


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