About Us

EUCARL PHARMACY Is a fully registered Online pharmacy in Nigeria and a leading Health Educational weblog providing easy-to-understand health information to the general public promoting good health practices, for a better understanding of the health implications of our meals, and lifestyle.


Eucarl Pharmacy was founded in September 2021 by pharmacist Ikoi Abode Ikenna and was fully registered on the 27th day of June 2022 with registration number Reg. No. 1946237.

Eucarl pharmacy has grown to include more pharmacists, nurses, and med. lab. scientists, and other healthcare professionals to ensure complete health coverage for her clients worldwide.

Our Goal

Information, they say is power. Our aim, therefore, is to provide adequate health information to the general public to sensitize them on disease conditions, and good health care practices and promote quality health for all through providing quality medications and vitamins.

Our Values

Honesty in our dealings, transparency, professionalism, proactivity, commitment, and solidarity.


We plan on being the best reference domain in the Health Education publisher’s world.

Social Responsibility

We need not be told as we are well aware that the fairer and also egalitarian informative community gives numerous opportunities to people and at the same time quality of life for everyone.

So, for those who seek to learn better health care practices and stay healthy, our contribution will have a positive effect on their lives and this is what we intend to uphold as we all know that little actions can transform people’s perspective of seeing life and also can open new doors.

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