10 Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins

You might have experienced signs that your body is full of toxins without taking noticing it. As one performs various activities daily, the body gets exposed to toxins which can be in form of cosmetic products, and plastics, that are detrimental to your health. Other sources of toxins include pesticides, preservatives, lotions, formaldehyde, and phenoxyethanol.

Naturally, the body is supposed to detoxify itself, failure of this to occur will lead to the build-up of toxins. The body toxins alter the function of enzymes and inhibit the production of red blood cells. When the number of toxins in the body reaches its peak, that is when the importance of detoxification comes in. The body begins to experience signs that the body is full of toxins.

Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins

Below are The Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins:

Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins
Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins


The normal physiology is such that nutrients are transported into the body cell and get rid of waste products from the body. In a situation whereby there is an accumulation of toxins in the body, cavity infection makes one get tired easily with little activity.

Research also confirms the presence of mycotoxins to be a major trigger of chronic fatigue syndrome. Other factors that can result in fatigue are conditions that can suppress the body’s immune system such as viral diseases. If you are the type that gets tired easily, it’s one of many Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins.


The kidney is the organ that is responsible for water balance in the body. Along with the kidney, the lymphatic system also plays an important role in the immunity of the body. It transport the fluid that embodies white blood cell(lymph) around the body, the fluid has control over inflammation.

If there is an issue with the kidney, its function would reduce. There would be retention of fluid in the body. Factors contributing to the retention of fluid are hormonal imbalance, genetics, sedentary lifestyle,  antibiotics, and diet. They can also obstruct the lymph nodes, and cause pain and swelling.

Imbalance Blood Sugar Level

Intake of excessive sugar causes an imbalance in blood sugar levels, sugar craving, and fungus infection.  Sugar craving increases appetite thereby resulting in overweight, indigestion of food, and fatty liver.

Accumulation of fat in the liver will reduce its function and increases the body’s toxins. This reduces the liver’s ability to reduce toxins in the body.

Brain Fog

Accumulation of toxins in the body can result in attention deficit or difficulty in remembering things. The foreign body can find its way into the blood and impair cognitive function. There would be an inflammatory process that arises due to hyper toxicity which in turn affects the neurotransmitter.

Protruded Belly

The belly usually stuck out as a result of the accumulation of visceral fat. This fat is usually within the abdominal cavity. An individual that experiences stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and an increased intake of fat is at risk of having visceral fat stored in their abdominal cavity. 

As there is increased visceral fat, the body tends towards being at risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and other metabolic conditions. This contributes to signs that the body is full of toxins.

Skin Infection

Skin infections like eczema, rosacea, acne, and a lot more can be a sign that your body is full of toxins. External signs and symptoms tend to unveil what occurs internally. Apart from the kidney and lungs, the skin is also a means of removing waste products from the body.

Manifestation of the above infection can be a sign that the skin is trying to excrete toxins from the body. Before treating any skin condition, it is better to find out the possible causes to cure the underlying cause and make have an effective intervention.

Bad Breath

The presence of toxins in excess can contribute to body odor and foul-smelling stool. This is unhealthy for the body as it can be an indication of liver failure or indigestion of food. Experience of a bad breath is also an indication of unevenness in the quantity of the favorable bacteria and otherwise.

A normal sweat is odorless unless the skin is infected with bacteria altering the odor of the sweat released from the skin. The use of perfume isn’t the solution to this. Find a way of detoxifying the body to help improve your breath.


Just like a simple machine, the body comprises organs that work efficiently to perform their specific functions. These organs also need rest at intervals to prevent breakdown. Sleep helps to relax the brain while the inability to sleep (insomnia) keeps the brain functioning.

As the liver is struggling to detoxify the body, it can lead to insomnia or intermittent sleep at night. This is among the Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins.

Severe Headache

Hindrance of detoxification can cause a severe headache and this will tend toward hyper toxicity.
It increases the intracranial pressure thereby causing headaches.

Digestive Disorders

It is of utmost importance to remove waste products from the body. Studies have proven that the majority of the body’s immune systems are present in the gut. If the digestive system is not in good condition, the body might experience constipation, bloating, diarrhea, chronic gas, and heartburn.

All of this can increases the toxin in the body. It is advisable to consult a medical professional if experiencing any of the symptoms to know the causes.

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The toxin is not something that should remain in the body for long because of its side effect and complication. The Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins are lethargy, retarded hair growth, edema, indigestion, brain fog, protruded belly, skin infection, bad breath, insomnia, and severe headache.

To treat hyper toxicity, you have to modify your lifestyle and diet. Eat diets that contain turmeric, parsley, and wheatgrass as they enhance the function of the liver which is a major organ for detoxification. Take an adequate quantity of water to flush out toxins.

Endeavor to use natural skin care products that don’t contain toxins like sulfate, parabens, and lead. Reduce the intake of dairy products, alcohol, processed food, and nicotine. Always garnish your food with a lot of dark green vegetables.


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