10 Rich Health Benefits of Bananas For Men

Banana is a type of perennial crop that is widely available all around the world. The Health Benefits of Bananas For Men depend on whether the banana is ripe or not. The ripe banana is so sweet and highly recommended.

The nutritional value of bananas is calories, water, protein, carbs, sugar, fiber, fat,  potassium, etc. The health benefit of banana fruit is numerous but this article would be based on the major Health Benefits of Bananas For Men.

What are The Health Benefits of Bananas For Men?

  1. Banana is beneficial to men’s reproductive organs
  2. It promotes radiant and fresh skin.
  3. Banana promotes weight loss
  4. High level of potassium
  5. It aids digestion
  6. Source of energy
  7. Banana elevate mood
  8. Bananas as an antioxidant
  9. The benefit of bananas as an exercise recovery
  10. It regulates blood pressure

Banana is Beneficial for Men

This is one of the best fruit that can boost the function of men’s reproductive organs. The health benefit of bananas for men is not limited to that alone. Eating banana increase sperm count improves fertility, and help resolve fertility issues.

Banana enhances the function of the prostate gland, increases libido, and boosts stamina and other sexual functions. The deficiency of all these nutrients in bananas can predispose an individual to the risk of prostate cancer.

It is usually recommended for men since they are the most at risk of having cardiovascular disorders. Banana has low sodium which helps regulate blood pressure. Regular eating of bananas is essential for men to promote their optimum well-being.

It Promotes Radiant and Fresh Skin

Banana is very effective for treating skin disease. When peeled and rubbed on the skin, it removes dark spot, cure acne, and psoriasis, and smoothen the skin. This indicates the health benefits of bananas for men and women.

Bananas also brighten the skin complexion when mixed with yogurt and turmeric. The mixture of honey, lemon juice, and banana can control facial oil. The vitamin also gives the skin an anti-aging effect. Banana helps to moisturize the skin and makes it supple.

Haircare products can be made using mashed bananas. Dark circles on the eye can be eliminated with banana peels. The topical application of mashed banana helps to relieve skin irritation and rashes.

Banana Promotes Weight Loss

Banana contains high fiber which helps to keep the stomach full and reduce appetite. Also, unripe bananas are loaded with fiber and resistant starch which helps to reduce appetite.

Although there is no evidence to prove that banana helps to lose weight there is proof that fibers in fruit and vegetables help to increase weight. The health benefits of bananas for men are that it also increases stamina and endurance which in turn promotes weight loss. Read also: 15 Foods That Make You Fat in Nigeria to learn the top Nigerian foods that make you gain weight.

High Level of Potassium

Bananas contain an abundance of potassium in it. Regular eating of bananas has a way of controlling the level of potassium in the body. It increases potassium levels when the regulation of blood pressure is needed. Potassium in bananas is essential for the good functioning of the heart.

It helps prevent muscle cramps and kidney stones. In a medium-sized banana, there are about 423mg of potassium. This health benefit of bananas makes them suitable for replacing potassium supplements.

It Aids Digestion

Banana has a high fiber content which aids digestion. A medium-sized banana has the exact quantity of fiber required to aid in digestion daily. Bananas also constitute part of the treatment of diarrhea.

Pectin which can be found in unripe bananas helps prevent colon cancer. Bananas should be included in the BRAT diet ( banana, rice, applesauce, and toast) to relieve stomach upset effectively.

Source of Energy

Banana contains almost all the forms of sugar that can be found in the body. This can either be glucose, fructose, or sucrose. They are easily absorbed into the bloodstream to supply the body with energy.

Potassium in bananas also increases the endurance and focus of an individual. It enables the brain to be alert. This makes it suitable as a pre-examination snack. Banana has a sweet taste and can be improvised as sugar while cooking.

Banana Elevate Mood

The health benefits of bananas also involve their ability to elevate mood. Banana contains lots of tryptophan which is usually converted to serotonin in the body.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter needed in the body to elevate mood. When released, it makes us happy. Tryptophan on the other hand can also induce sleep, especially in those having insomnia.

Bananas as an Antioxidant

Antioxidants such as flavonoids and amines help to prevent the accumulation of free radicals in the body. This free radical increases the risk of degenerative disorders, toxicity, and heart problems.

Banana is a very rich source of antioxidants and this is also a benefit of banana in the body. Endeavor to always include bananas in your diet to reduce the free radicals in the body.

The Benefit of Bananas for Exercise Recovery

During exercise, electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium are lost.
These electrolytes are readily available in bananas which when eaten would replace the lost ones. Endurance athletes can benefit extensively from bananas as they supply potassium which helps retain fluid in the body.

Exercise-related muscle cramps are deficiency of magnesium and calcium which can be supplied to the body with the intake of bananas. Vitamin C helps boost immunity which is essential during sports activities. It heals the wound and exercise-related injuries. Banana stimulates the secretion of adrenaline and helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It Regulates Blood Pressure

Fruits like bananas which are very rich in potassium can control high blood pressure. Eating bananas helps to reduce the sodium in the body. Also, a deficiency of magnesium can result in heart-related diseases. Banana is a good source of magnesium and it helps to improve the function of the heart.

Read Also: Unripe Plantain: Nutrition, Health Benefits, and Side effects


Banana is a tropical fruit that at majorly cultivated in Africa, America, and the Caribbean. Daily intake of bananas is good for the body, so always include them in your diet.

Although the health benefits of bananas for men might not be the same for everyone as the body physiology also influences the health benefit of bananas in the body  They are affordable, sweet, and have lots of health benefits and nutritional significance.


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